with AI

Explore AI services for your business problems


We leverage cutting-edge AI technology to transform your business challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency

AI Strategy Consulting

Are you struggling to identify where AI can benefit your business?

  • Custom AI roadmap development
  • ROI analysis and implementation planning

Process Automation

Spending too much time on repetitive tasks?

  • Workflow automation solutions
  • Smart document processing

Predictive Analytics

Want to make data-driven decisions with confidence?

  • Custom prediction models
  • Business intelligence dashboards

Ready to transform your business?

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Past Projects

Here are some of the cool things we've worked on

Student-Guide Matching System

An AI-powered system that intelligently matches prospective students with current student guides based on shared interests and backgrounds. Using OpenAI's embedding technology, the system processes student profiles and generates personalized matches, completing what used to be days of manual work in just minutes.


Course Catalog Search System

A semantic search tool that transforms an 84-page course catalog into an intuitive AI-powered search system. Students can express their interests in natural language and receive personalized course recommendations, making course selection more accessible and efficient.


Math Class Placement Model

An automated system that streamlines the math class placement process using machine learning. By analyzing placement test scores, SSAT results, and prior grades, the model provides accurate class recommendations, reducing hours of manual work to mere minutes.


Alumni Donation Prediction Model

A predictive analytics system that optimizes alumni donation requests using machine learning. By analyzing past donation patterns and engagement metrics, the model provides data-driven recommendations for donation requests, helping maximize fundraising efforts.

Scikit-learnPythonAnywhereRandom Forest

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